Get Specialized Treatment on Chronic and Recurring Diseases

    Ayurveda treats by stimulating body's own healing mechanism and it's completely side effect free.

    Ayurvedic Treatment for Major Chronic diseases

    यदि आप लम्बे समय से गठिया, बवासीर, रक्त चाप, मधुमेह आदि बिमारियों से ग्रसित हैं। तो एक बार हमारे विशेषज्ञों से मुफ्त सलाह लें।

    Diseases & Conditions we treat with Ayurveda

    Digestive Disorders

    पाचन संबंधी विकार

    BP, Diabetes & Thyroid

    रक्त चाप, मधुमेह एवं ग्रंथि विकार

    Join & Muscle Pain

    जोड़ो का दर्द

    Respiratory Problems

    श्वशन (सांस) संबंधी विकार

    Infertility Problem

    बांझपन समस्या

    Cysts Tumors &Cancer

    ग्रंथि अबुर्द और कर्क रोग

    Urinary Disorders

    मूत्र संबंधी विकार

    Liver & Gall Bladder

    यकृत और पित्त संबंधी विकार

    Why Choose Aayurclinc

    We do personalize treatment for each patient to regain their health.

    We help you regain your health by providing a range of Ayurvedic treatments that are based on your specific needs. Our focus is on data-driven diagnosis, so we can give you the right treatment for your condition. We also use scientific principles to ensure that you get the most appropriate treatment that will help you regain ‘Swasthya’ (your natural state of wellbeing) by using diet and lifestyle changes.

    Get Your Personalised Ayurvedic Treatment

    आयुर क्लिनिक में हम आयुर्वेद के मूल सिद्धांतों का पालन करते हैं ,
    अतः रोगी और रोग की जांच कर मूल कारण का पता लगाकर हम व्यक्तिगत रूप से उपचार करते हैं।

    Telephonic or Online Video Consultation

    Contact us

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    से सम्पर्क करें

    Get Analysed

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    बारे में बतायें

    Fix Appointment

    अपनी सुविधानुसार
    समय तय करें

    Receive Treatment

    व्यक्तिगत आयुर्वेदिक
    उपचार प्राप्त करें

    Patient feedback

    People have Experienced Relief after Treatment at Aayurclinic

    Patient: Bhawna Problem: Ligament Injury


    (Problem: Ligament Injury)
    I injured my cruciate ligament in a scooter accident. Doctors wanted surgery, but I didn't. After trying painkillers and anti-inflammatories with limited relief, I went for Ayurvedic treatment. In 6 months, I went from barely walking to running and jogging, all thanks to Ayurveda!

    Nikhil Jha

    (Problem: jaundice, fatty Liver)
    I suffered for two years with various ailments including fever, jaundice, and fatty liver.
    Allopathic medicine offered temporary relief, but symptoms worsened upon stopping. Dr. Anil Kumar's treatment cured me completely, and I have been healthy for a year now.

    Patient: Manisha, Problem Backpain

    Manisha Chaturvedi

    (Problem: Backache & Cervical Spondylitis)
    Struggled with back pain and cervical spondylitis for 5 years. Allopathic treatments worsened my digestion. Seeking relief,
    I found Dr. Anil Kumar. His Ayurvedic approach cured my back pain, improved digestion, and restored your overall health.

    Our Doctors

    हमारे विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर्स

    Over 13 years of experience with their vast knowledge and expertise, our doctors are committed to helping our patients achieve complete wellness using natural and holistic approaches.

    Whether you are looking for relief from a particular ailment or simply wish to boost your overall health, our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance.

    Dr. Anil Singh

    B.A.M.S (Ayurvedacharya) Experience: 13+ years.

    Work for several Companies as Patanjali Yogpeeth, Ayushman ayurveda, Sri Sai sewa sadan as senior Consultant.
    Specialties in Chronic Diseases, joints and bone disorder & Metabolic disorders.

    Dr.Kalpana Vardhan

    B.A.M.S (Ayurvedacharya) Experience: 12+ years

    Work for Govt PHC & CHC for several years, recognised practitioner of her Area
    Specialties in स्त्री एवं प्रसूति रोग ( Gynecological & Obstetrics disease)

    Dr.Jitendra Pal Singh

    B.A.M.S( Ayurvedacharya) Experience:12+ Years

    Work for Govt.CHC & PHC for several years, Ayushman Ayurveda
    Specialties in infertility cases, STD & VD

    Let us help you unlock the full potential of Ayurveda and discover a life of balance and vitality.

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