Most of us would turn to conventional sleeping pills, warm milk, soothing music, and the like to sleepily slip into dreamland. But did you know that keeping some comforting indoor plants close can help you sleep better?

Well, yes.

If you are unable to sleep well, these plants help change the quality of air in your bedroom and alter the environment to make it feel more refreshing. So, here are 5 indoor plants which can help induce more apt conditions for you to enjoy some peaceful sleep every night.

1. Aloe Vera

An indoor plant usually requires less maintenance, and some plants such as, aloe vera are even easier to take care of. Aloe vera releases oxygen at night which gives our brain an adequate supply to help us fall asleep. Besides being a secret combatant against insomnia, it also helps improve your overall quality of sleep. In fact, it has been listed by NASA as one of the best indoor plants to improve indoor air quality. Moreover, it also reproduces easily, doesn’t need too much direct sunlight, and also doesn’t require much watering as its stems have high water retention properties.

2. Lavender Plant

This aromatic flower which riddles the fields in a part of France, has a soothing aroma which helps us relax and inevitably fall asleep. Besides its sleep-inducing qualities, 2 that powerful lavender smell  is said to slow down our heart rate, reduce anxiety levels, and some studies have also shown that the scent has the ability to increase light sleep, decrease rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, and shorten the amount of time required to wake up after falling sleep. It has also shown to reduce crying in babies and calm them down.

3. Jasmine Plant

Jasmine in some Southeast Asian countries, is associated with purity and is even considered a divine flower as it is offered in some religious ceremonies in India. Likewise, although the smell of jasmine may be a tad bit strong, it has been shown to improve the quality of sleep, increase alertness and even one’s productivity. This plant may also help reduce anxiety, as its smell has a soothing effect on your body and mind. Studies have shown that reducing those anxiety and stress levels has helped some enjoy a greater quality of sleep.

4. English Ivy Plant

As another one of NASA’s personal favorites, English ivy is easy to grow and is a wonderful air purifier. It is believed to help ease breathing problems and conditions such as asthma in some people. Some studies have also shown that English ivy can reduce the amount of molds in the air by 94% within a span of 12 hours of being kept in a room. It is even easy to keep indoors, as all you have to do is hang it from a pot inside your house or place it on a ledge where the leaves can trail down or find something to support them.

5. Snake Plant

Also called mother-in-law’s tongue, the snake plant is a very popular and common indoor plant choice for many. That’s because snake plants are very easy to keep alive and are a great aesthetically pleasing plant for interior decorating. Besides decoration, they help improve the quality of air and overall atmosphere, wherever they are kept indoors. They are also easy to grow, care for, and are one of the most recommended plants of all. A snake plant emits oxygen at night while you’re asleep and also cuts down the carbon dioxide levels in the air inside your house. It also filters out those nasty household toxins from the air and keeps the air pure and healthy to breathe.

So which one of these plants do you own or would like to keep inside your home?

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