Author: Aayur Clinic

Problem: Sugar My name is Randhir Kumar. I was suffering from Sugar since last 10 years initially I was taking Allopathic medicine but sugar was controlled some time and sometimes it goes up after few years I feed some impact on my vision also doctor says it is Diabetic Retinopathy and these changes in eyes are not reversible 100% ig you control your sugar it will control. Then visit to Dr. Anil and start Ayurvedic medicine for sugar and eyes , initially start these medicines along with my allopathic medicines when my sugar controlled then he start reducing my medicine…

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Problem: Chronic patient of Colitis & fatty liver My name is Ajay Pratap Singh I am from Unnav(U.P.) I was chronic patient of Colitis & fatty liver but my problem increases 3 to 4 times when I fall ill from Typhoid. Even I was unable to digest soup and Moog daal I lost 10 kg of my weight. With any treatment my health was not improving then I visited to Dr.Anil Kumar and with his treatment and suggestions, I was cured and gain my natural digestion and health. I am totally satisfied with his treatment & knowledge of patient’s disease…

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Problem: Backache & Cervical Spondylitis My name is Manisha Chaturvedi I live in Delhi & I was suffering from severe backache & cervical spondylitis since last 5 years. I was taking Allopathic medicine from several Doctors but my condition getting worse day by day then I decided to take Ayurvedic treatment because My stomach & digestion becomes very weak. Then I meet Dr.Anil Kumar with his treatment not only my backache and cervical pain cured but also my digestion and physical strength improved. Now i am 100% fit & Healthy. Thank you so much for his treatment and guidance.

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Problem: Chronic IBS Hello My Name is Chandrabhushan I am a teacher. I was a chronic patient of IBS as my previous doctors said, frequent urge of motion, gas abdominal pain, destroyed my concentration & focus. I was unable to read and teach because I have to go toilet 7– 8 times in a day . I was loosing my physical and mental strength day by day. Then I meet Dr.Anil Kumar who understand nature of my disease & Start my treatment I was cured with help of Ayurveda and yog. I remember his words IBS is a disease which…

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Problem: PCOD since last 5 years Namaste my name is Bindu I was suffering from irregular menses and PCOD since last 5 years, due to this I gained weight and my Hormonal imbalance and period problem get worsen and my gynecologist put me on hormonal pills, but somewhere I was unsatisfied I can’t take these medicines through out my life my father took me to Dr.Anil Kumar. In his team Dr. Kalpana Vardhan start my treatment with help of Ayurveda and Yog now I am free from those Harmonal pills and feeling healthy I loosed some weight also. Thank you…

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Problem: Ligament Injury My Name is Bhawna I m a Phd scholer I had injured my cruciate Ligament while riding scooty, d/t severe pain and edema I was unable to walk properly, i visited to near by hospital where Ct-scan of my knee is done and doctors advise for surgery, but I didn’t want to go through surgery and for second and third opinion I go to Another Orthopaedic who start some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicine but it relief only for few hours and after that I have to take medicine again after 1 month when I didn’t notice any…

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Problem: Cough cold sneezing since my childhood My name is Sanjeev Pal, i was suffering cough cold sneezing since my childhood and take treatment in Allopathy several times as doctors said that it is Allergic Bronchitis I have to take anti allergic medicine almost daily and day by day my condition was getting bad and then steroid based inhaler is added in my treatment that was very depressing, then I meet Dr.Anil Kumar to treat my problem with help of Ayurveda with his I get rid of inhaler In 1 month and in next 3-4 month my anti allergic medicine…

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(Problem: jaundice, fatty Liver) From last 2 years I was suffering from fever, Abdominal pain, jaundice, fatty Liver, Low Pletlet count, with allopathic medicine I got relieved but on stopping medicine disease relapsed in 10 to 15 days, I loose 7–8 kg weight and condition got worse in few months and I was advised to Hospitalised for treatment. Then my father suggested to consult with Dr Anil Kumar, with his treatment not only I get cured but since last 1 year I didn’t faced any problem again and gain my normal weight. Thank you so much.

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My name is Sneha Joshi. I have had psoriasis since 2016. I have taken several treatments from allopathic, homoeopathic and also Ayurvedic treatments from some other doctors. But my psoriasis was not cured and It was only aggravated. Have been taking treatment from Patanjali from Dr Anil Kumar and have seen significant improvement in my psoriasis. Though it has not fully cleared almost 70% of my skin has been cleared with flakes and my psoriatic arthritis has almost cured to 80%. Dr Anil has been guiding and supporting me throughout the treatment over the phone as well as the clinic.…

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पंचकर्म शब्द से ही इसका अर्थ स्पष्ट है कि ये पाँच प्रकार के विशेष कर्म मे शरीर से मलों व दोषों को बाहर निकालते हैं। पंचकर्म चिकित्सा, आयुर्वेदीय चिकित्सा का एक अत्यन्त महत्त्वपूर्ण अंग हैं, क्योंकि कई बार अनेक प्रकार की औषधियों का सेवन करने पर भी रोग बार-बार आक्रमण करते रहते हैं। इन रोगों से बचाव व इनके उन्मूलन के लिए शरीर के मलों व दोषों को बाहर निकालने वाली (Eliminition Therapy) जो संशोधन की चिकित्सा-प्रक्रिया (Method) है, उसे ही पंचकर्म-चिकित्सा कहा जाता है। पंचकर्म चिकित्सा (Panch Karma Chikitsa) से पूर्व जिन कर्म को किया जाता है, उन्हे पूर्वकर्म…

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