Author: Aayur Clinic

❤ हृदयाघात तथा गर्म पानी पीना ❤ यह भोजन के बाद गर्म पानी पीने के बारे में ही नहीं हृदयाघात के बारे में भी एक अच्छा लेख है। चीनी और जापानी अपने भोजन के बाद गर्म चाय पीते हैं, ठंडा पानी नहीं। अब हमें भी उनकी यह आदत अपना लेनी चाहिए। जो लोग भोजन के बाद ठंडा पानी पीना पसन्द करते हैं यह लेख उनके लिए ही है। भोजन के साथ कोई ठंडा पेय या पानी पीना बहुत हानिकारक है क्योंकि ठंडा पानी आपके भोजन के तैलीय पदार्थों को जो आपने अभी अभी खाये हैं ठोस रूप में बदल देता है। इससे…

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According to statistics, about 40% of people have problems with their backs. It’s much easier to prevent these problems than to treat them afterward, and that’s why trying to do these exercises regularly may help to prevent back pain. We believe that these simple Yoga Poses can be the best remedy for your back-pain problem. POSE 01: Stand facing a chair. Bend your right leg, and put it on the chair. Your thigh should be parallel to the floor, and your knee should be directly above your ankle. Place your left hand on the outer side of your knee, and turn your body to the right. Your right leg shouldn’t move. Take several deep breaths, and hold…

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“STRESS IS THE MOTHER of ALL ILLNESS” we all know that, in the modern era and fast & furious lifestyle everyone is bound to live a quiet stressful life. In this article, we will discuss the core of the stress & some very simple steps to keep the Stress away from our life. The relationship between illness and stress is very complex. It may vary from person to person. Studies show that short term stress is good it boosts the immune system, but chronic stress is very bad for immune system that manifest illness. Chronic stress raises catecholamine and suppress T cell level which…

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Genuine People Vs Fake People “Have you at any point gone over somebody who is constantly pleasant to you all over, however whines about you to other individuals in the face of your good faith? Is it threatening for you to converse with specific individuals at work who are decent to just the individuals who are better than them in position? Do you experience serious difficulties out who’s fake and who is really a decent individual? Here are a few pointers that will help you spot authentic and fake individuals around you” 1- Pay special mind to All Vs. Look…

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Today we meet with many differences in our life and family and to create a binding with your children today we need to keep close eyes on the behavior and changes in their daily life. Here are some important point that could be a necessity for a close binding between Mom & Daughter. Active Listening:- Listen what your daughter is saying. Don’t interrupt her. Guide her in the way, where you don’t become a negative part. Positive communication starts with good listening. When you practice active listening, you concentrate on what your daughter tells you instead of thinking about your response…

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आयुर्वेद सदियों से शिलाजीत के गुनी व प्रयोग को जनता रहा है । सैकड़ो आयुर्वेदीय ग्रन्थ इसकी प्रसंशा से भरे पडे हैं आज की तनाव पूर्ण जीवन शैली ख़राब दिनचर्या असंतुलित व् हानिकारक रसायनयुक्त खानपान, पोषण की कमी, प्रदूषणयुक्त वातावरण आप को बीमार कमजोर व् समय से पहले बूढा बना रहे हैं सर्दियों में प्रदूषण का लेवल बढ़ जाता है लोग व्यायाम  करने के बजाय रज़ाइयों व् कम्बलो में घुसकर आराम करना ज्यादा पसंद करते हैं , खानपान और भी अव्यवस्थित हो जाता है, लोग पानी काम पीते हैं और अपने आप को जैकेट टोपी मोज़े व् दस्तानो में अपने…

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[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne of very common issues which many new mother encounter with is hair fall post pregnancy. Many women are tensed to find themselves shedding more hair than usual in first few months after giving birth to child. But this is absolutely normal phenomenon and no need to Panic, you would not go bald. In fact, your hair should be back to normal by 6 to 12 months. What Causes? Normally about 80% to 90% of hair is in growing phase and other 10-20% hair is in resting phase. After the resting phase this hair falls out often while you are…

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