Author: Aayur Clinic

Corona Virus disease (COVID-19) has spread from China to 400+ countries or territories, including India, USA, UK, and claimed more than 3,80,000+ lives. So, what is the disease, how does it spread and when are people most infectious? 1. What is the new virus? SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus that causes corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Coronaviruses, in general, are a family of viruses that target and affect mammals’ respiratory systems. According to their specific characteristics, there are four main “ranks” (genera) of coronaviruses, which are called alpha, beta, delta, and gamma. Most of these only affect animals, but a few…

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दुनिया भर के 180 से भी ज़्यादा देशों में कोरोना वायरस  (Corona Virus) से संक्रमण के मामले सामने आए हैं। WHO-विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने इसे एक महामारी घोषित किया है। अतः लोग इससे बचने के तरीके ढूंढने में लगे हैं. इस आर्टिकल में हम चर्चा करेंगे कोरोना वायरस आयुर्वेदिक उपचार के बारे में। ये हम भारतियों की खुशकिस्मती है के भारत के वातावरण और हमारे दैनिक जीवन में ऐसी कई घरेलु औषधियां और जड़ीबूटी हैं, जिनके उपयोग से हम अपने रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को और मजबूत कर सकते हैं ताकि वो इस तरह की वायरस से हमारी सुरक्षा कर सके।…

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Are the supplements Good or Bad for the health? will it have an adverse effect later on the body? This article deals with all the myth behind supplement consumption. We all want to make our body look handsome and beautiful. For that, we need intense workout or exercise on a daily basis. If you are slim and wish to put on some weight, your coach/trainer advise you to consume supplements. There are lots of supplements are available in the market but all are good for the health that is the main question. This brings a lot of myth behind supplement…

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कभी कभी हम यूँही चलते चलते या कुछ काम करते करते काफी थका हुआ महसूस करने लगते हैं और हमें शरीर की जरूरत को पूरा करने के लिए तुरंत ऊर्जा की आवश्यकता होती है। स्नैक्स भूख से निपटने के लिए बहुत अच्छा विकल्प है लेकिन हमें प्रोटीन के समृद्ध स्रोत का पता लगाने की आवश्यकता है और साथ ही साथ हमें सिर्फ पेट भरने की ज़रूरत नहीं है बल्कि हमें ऊर्जा का पर्याप्त स्तर भी प्राप्त करना चाहिए। प्रोटीन : प्रोटीन हमारी शारीरिक थकन को दूर रखता है , पाचन को धीमा कर देता है और ऊर्जा हानि को फिर…

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We often find ourselves in midway somewhere and we need the instant energy to fill the body need immediately. Snacks are very good option to deal with hunger but we need to find out the rich source of Protein as well cause we just need not fill out the stomach but we must get the adequate level of energy as well. Protein keeps our cravings at bay, slows the digestion and replenishes the energy loss. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, and nuts are some of the protein-rich foods with added health benefits. If you have a busy schedule with no time…

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Favorable Foods  & Combinations Favorable foods mean the foods which are compliments to each other. These food favors each other’s and helps the digestive system. To improve your digestion and health and to avoid stomach unrest you should be careful while taking foods combinations. Just as an unsuitable diet harms the body and may result in several ailments. In the same Way, there are certain food substances which, if taken in combination, enhance each other’s Quantalities. They help in digesting food easily and are known for being a beneficial combination of food. If for the sake of taste, food has…

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Yogurt Benefits- Yogurt is a very common food that we eat routinely in our day to day life.  It is one of the most useful food known in Ayurveda. its digestive properties are well known, it restores the bacterial balance in the digestive tract but there are so many facts that common people do not know about it. Properties Yogurt is heavy and Oily, sour in Rasa (taste) and Vipaka (post digestive effect), and is Hot in the virya (potency). Accumulate and obstruct (block the srotas) it is antidiarrheal and absorbs water from the intestine and hence called grahi in Ayurveda. It…

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What is Salam Panja or Hatta Haddi or Dactylorhiza hatagirea? Salam Panja is an herb, used in the Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicines as a powerful stimulant and virility enhancer. The botanical name of this plant is Dactylorhiza Hatagirea. It is a tonic, which boosts the libido with its strong aphrodisiac properties Dactylorhiza hatagirea is a species of orchid generally found growing in the Himalayas, from Pakistan to SE Tibet, Nepal at altitudes of 2,800–4,000 meters (9,200–13,100 ft). Local people also call it ‘Salam Panja’ or ‘Hatta Haddi’. It is also called ‘Panchaule’ (पाँचऔंले) in Nepali and Himalayan regions. The name ‘Panchaule’…

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Salam Mishri is a flour made from the tubers of the salep orchid genus Orchis species. These tubers contain a nutritious, starchy polysaccharide called glucomannan, Others name (in Different Languages) are – Salabmishri, Salam-mishri, Orchis laxiflora, Salep Orchid, Orchis latifolia, Allium Macleani. Salep Orchid General Information: Salam Mishri is known to restore the body after diseases, stimulate its proper functionality and activity. The range of conditions in which Salep Orchid is applied includes wasting diseases, sexual or nervous debility, impotence, general weakness. Salam Mishri to Cure Sexual Weakness? Have you been looking for a supplement that works both as an aphrodisiac and a tonic? Your search has certainly…

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फैशन के दौर में हम इतने आगे निकल गए है कि स्टाइलिश दिखने के लिए हम कई तरह के ब्यूटी प्रोडक्ट का यूज करते है जिससे कि कई परेशानियों का सामना करना पडता है। ये तो आप अच्छी तरह जानते है कि अनार खाना स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत अच्छा होता है। इसे खाने से कई तरह की बीमारियों से निजात दिलाता है। साथ ही शरीर में खून की कमी की पूर्ति भी होती है। साथ ही एनर्जी लेवल भी बढा देती है, लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि यह स्वास्थ्य के साथ-साथ सौन्दर्य के लिए काफी फायदेमंद है। अनार में भरपूर…

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