Problem: Ligament Injury

My Name is Bhawna I m a Phd scholer I had injured my cruciate Ligament while riding scooty, d/t severe pain and edema I was unable to walk properly, i visited to near by hospital where Ct-scan of my knee is done and doctors advise for surgery, but I didn’t want to go through surgery and for second and third opinion I go to Another Orthopaedic who start some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicine but it relief only for few hours and after that I have to take medicine again after 1 month when I didn’t notice any improvement then one of my friend took me to Dr.Anil Kumar for ayurvedic treatment with his advice & medicine I see some improvement in 15 days and my faith on Ayurveda got firm, for complete relief I take those medicines for more then 6 month now I can do running & jogging easily and biggest thing I haven’t needed surgery. Thanks a lot

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