What is Salam Panja or Hatta Haddi or Dactylorhiza hatagirea?

Salam Panja is an herb, used in the Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicines as a powerful stimulant and virility enhancer. The botanical name of this plant is Dactylorhiza Hatagirea. It is a tonic, which boosts the libido with its strong aphrodisiac properties

Dactylorhiza hatagirea is a species of orchid generally found growing in the Himalayas, from Pakistan to SE Tibet, Nepal at altitudes of 2,800–4,000 meters (9,200–13,100 ft). Local people also call it ‘Salam Panja’ or ‘Hatta Haddi’. It is also called ‘Panchaule’ (पाँचऔंले) in Nepali and Himalayan regions. The name ‘Panchaule’ (meaning 5 fingered hand) arises from its root resembling fingers of hand with around 3-5 fingers. It is an erect perennial herb with long flowering stems. The plant is well known for its medicinal value. The root has sweet taste. It is strictly prohibited for collection and sale, but can be found easily around Nepal. It costs around Rs. 8000-10,000 per kilo as of late 2016.

How to Recognize Original or Genuine Salam Panja?

Salam Panja is species of orchid, it has a long flower as you can see in the image however the main part of the herb is its ROOT which is resembling fingers of hand normally 3 to 5 fingers. If you look the Salam Panja available in the market it will look light brown as the normally root of any plant is. We have given the several images, you can recognize how it looks alike.

Usage of Salam Panja?

The Juice extracted from tuber is used as tonic and also used for the treatment of pyorrhea (inflammation of the gum & teeth). Root paste is externally applied as poultice on cuts and wounds and extract is given in intestinal disorders. The term Hatta Haddi is probably coined because it is used for treating bone fractures also.

“Salam Panja is proved effective Ayurveda herb to cure and control the deceases, this is being very useful herb from the ancient time to cure many deceases very effectively. Salam Panja is known to Improve and Maintain the level of Testosterone and improve virility and libido”

  • Sexual Decease -यौन रोग
  • Loose Motion -दस्त
  • Dysentery – पेचिश
  • Fever -जीर्ण ज्वर
  • Cough -खांसी
  • Stomach Ache -पेट दर्द
  • Wound -घाव
  • Burns -बर्न्स
  • भंग
  • General Weaknesses -सामान्य कमज़ोरी

Apart From these the Most Common USE of the Salam Panja be in the following Complaints.

Low libido

Low libido means low level of sexual desires and Salam Panja is a potent herbal medication used for treating male impotency arising out of low sperm count or lack of sperm motility. Salam Panja increases the sperm count by boosting the testosterone levels in the blood and improves the quality and motility of the sperms. Hence, it is an effective treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia.

Erectile dysfunctions and premature ejaculation

Salam Panja can be very very effective to cure erectile dysfunction in male. Salam Panja is a natural herb which is proven effective to improve testosterone level and therefore erectile dysfunction complaint can be cured with the use of this herb. For a Proper guidance/ usage and Complete effective result you need to have advice of experienced Ayurveda Doctor.

Male infertility

Salam Panja is a potent herbal medication used for treating male impotency arising out of low sperm count or lack of sperm motility. Salam Panja increases the sperm count by boosting the testosterone levels in the blood and improves the quality and motility of the sperms. Hence, it is an effective treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia.

Nocturnal Emission

Nocturnal emission, also called night fall or night pollution, is a complaint more common among the men above the age of 50 years. Though it is a natural process and can occur infrequently in most men. it can result in a more serious problem like erectile dysfunctions. obliquity of penile tissue, and premature ejaculation, if not treated properly. Salam Panja offers an effective and safe treatment option for nocturnal emission. It works by promoting the production of nitric oxide in the muscles of the penile tissue that results in the relaxation of the smooth muscles, which, in turn, helps to prevent nightfalls.

How to use Salam Panja?

Men suffering from Low Libido or Erectile Dysfunction can drink Salam Panja juice once a day or you can use it with some other herbs in form of powder. An alternative way of using Salam Panja is to apply the oil extracted from the herb on the penile tissue and gently massage it for a few minutes.

You can always consult our expert Ayurveda Doctor Anil for a proper dose and how to take Salam Panja for better result.


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