Yogurt Benefits- Yogurt is a very common food that we eat routinely in our day to day life.  It is one of the most useful food known in Ayurveda.

its digestive properties are well known, it restores the bacterial balance in the digestive tract but there are so many facts that common people do not know about it.


  • Yogurt is heavy and Oily, sour in Rasa (taste) and Vipaka (post digestive effect), and is Hot in the virya (potency).
  • Accumulate and obstruct (block the srotas)
  • it is antidiarrheal and absorbs water from the intestine and hence called grahi in Ayurveda.
  • It mitigates VATA and increases KAPHA and

 Yogurt Benefits or Advantages

  • It increases hemoglobin, physical strength and digestive power. it is nourishing and boost the appetite.
  • It acts as an aphrodisiac as it increases the quality and quantity of semen.
  • Homemade yogurt is most delicious and good for health.

Disadvantages of Yogurt                  

Excessive and improper intake of Yogurt may cause swelling (edema), Blood disorders, Fever, intrinsic hemorrhage (bleeding) and jaundice.

It should not be used in disease where blood is vitiated by dosas.                   


It is indicated in abdominal disorders, chronic cold, Malaria, debility, dysuria and influenza.

Yogurt do’s and don’ts                       

  • Do not eat Yogurt at night.
  • Do not eat Yogurt without additives such as ghee, Honey, sugar, cooked green gram, Indian gooseberry powder, roasted comin seed, rock salt and so on. its properties are enhanced when used with these substances.
  • Do not boil or heat it over fire or in sunlight.
  • It provokes KAPHA and PITTA, therefore it is not recommended in summer, spring an autumn season.
  • Monsoon and winter are the appropriate seasons for Yogurt consumption.
  • Monsoon and winter are the appropriate season for Yogurt consumption.
  • Sweet buttermilk (lassi) rayta (Yogurt mixed with chopped fruit or vegetables and seasoned with various condiments and gram flour+ Yogurt curry prepared by diluting Yogurt with water can be eaten any time.
  • Yogurt should be used only when it is well set or completely coagulated.

Cream of Yogurt: it provides strength, increases semen (aphrodisiac) and is beneficial for hemorrhoids (Piles).

Yogurt water (whey): It is light, increases the digestive power, constipating, detoxifiers the srotas, carminates Vata and other waste products.

Butter less Yogurt: It is dry, flatulent, increases Vata and constipation, but is beneficial in colitis or sprue syndrome (grahi).

Unset Yogurt: Do not use unset yogurt as it is obstructive in nature, block the srotas and hence it is considered very deleterious.

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