“STRESS IS THE MOTHER of ALL ILLNESS” we all know that, in the modern era and fast & furious lifestyle everyone is bound to live a quiet stressful life. In this article, we will discuss the core of the stress & some very simple steps to keep the Stress away from our life.

The relationship between illness and stress is very complex. It may vary from person to person. Studies show that short term stress is good it boosts the immune system, but chronic stress is very bad for immune system that manifest illness. Chronic stress raises catecholamine and suppress T cell level which suppress immune system, stress also, leads to release of histamine which triggers bronchoconstriction in asthmatics, stress increases the risk of diabetes, especially in obese person’s stress also alters the acid concentration in stomach which may lead to gastric or peptic ulcers or ulcerative colitis.

This can lead to plaque formation in arteries if combined with high fat diet and sedentary lifestyle. Stress directly leads to several psychiatric illnesses like depression, schizophrenia. there is no scientific evidence of a direct cause and effect relation between immune system changes and development of several diseases.


Immune responses are regulated by antigen, antibody, cytokines and hormones. Lymphocytes are most responsible for rhythm of immune system; immune system has a trillion lymphocytes. Lymphocytes that grow and mature in Thymus are called “t cells” other are called B cells.

B Cell Secretes Antibodies, Chemicals that match specific invaders called antigen. t cells don’t secrete antibodies but act as messengers and killers locating and destroying invading antigen (cellular immunity). Some T cells called helpers, help activate the production of other T and B cells other T cells called suppressor to stop production of antigen calling off the attack the number of T & B cells must be balanced for them to perform effectively. Other key Chemicals are produced by the immune system macrophages, monocycle and granulocytes. This chemical envelop destroy and digest invading microorganism and other antigen generally known as phagocytes.

Cytokines are non-antibody messengers a molecule which stimulates Cellular release of specific compound involved in inflammatory response they bind to specific membrane receptors and generally act over short distance and short time. Chronic stress has been attributed to the abundance of corticosteroid production during chronic stress which cause imbalance in corticosteroid level and weakens immune-competence.

Short term stress actually boosts the immune system as it readies itself to meet and overcome a challenge such as an adaptive response preparing for injury or infection but long term stress causes too much wear and tear a and system is break down especially if the individual has little control over events.

STRESS & ILLNESS: researches shows that almost all the system in body can be influenced by chronic stress. when stress goes unreleased, it suppresses the body’s immune system hand ultimately manifests as illness. One can only wonder what would happen to the body if it remained in fight or flight response. Fortunately, under normal circumstances 3 minutes after threatening condition is over and the real or imagined danger is removed. The fight or flight response subsides and body relaxes and returns to its normal status during this heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, muscle tension, digestion, metabolism in the immune system all return to normal.

If stress persists after the initial reaction the body’s reaction enters second stage. In this activity, of sympathetic nervous system declines and Andria-line secretion is decreased but corticosteroid secretion continues at above normal level. Finally, if stress continuous and body is unable to cope there is likely to be breakdown of bodily resources.

PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS: the association between stressful life events and psychiatric illness is stronger than the association of physical and medical illness. Patient with psychiatric disorder had suffered more stressful events than those with physical disorders although the exact relationship between stress and psychiatry is not clear defined, the final pathway is biochemical as with medical illness. Chronic stress may lead several psychiatric illnesses which is strongest in the neuroses followed by depression and schizophrenia the correlation of neuroses and schizophrenia with stress is clear.


Some studies show that stress can lead to breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. person with chronic stress have twice chances to have abnormal PSA. Men’s psychological status can have direct impact on prostate disease. In women, the chronic stress act suppressing NK cells (natural killer cells) activity. Other preliminary study shows that the evidence of a weekend immune system in breast show fighting certain forms of disease specially preventing metastasis and destroying small metastasis all the process weekend or stop due to suppression of NK Cells.


Ayurveda illuminator clear path toward healing for each individual. One of Ayurveda’s foundational principle is that “Like increases Like” and that ‘’opposites balance’’. Ayurved relies of twenty Gunas (Qualities) organizing is to ten pairs of opposites to describe various phenomena throughout the natural world. Identifying the qualities involved in a particular imbalance or disease helps to direct and appropriate treatment of opposites.

When we distill the stress response down into its most Essential characteristics and being to understand the qualities it activates in body, we gain an intuitive grasp of how to use opposite force to invite a return to balance. According to the ancient tests of Ayurveda one group of 10 Gunas is about to build nourishing and anabolic in natural, while other us reducing lightening and catabolic in nature. It is important to understand that none of these qualities are inherently good or bad each of them supports the maintenance of equilibrium in its own way. Similarly, too much or too little of any one of them can be problematic.

The fight or flight condition directs huge quantities of energy to the brain and the large muscle group while shutting down non-essential activity like digestion in the immune system Rapid consuming the body’s resources while inhibiting their ability to be replenished. therefore, the stress response falls firmly into the reducing lightning catabolic category. It is intensely activating energizing strengthening motivating mobilizing and accelerating. As a result-> it activates the light, sharp, hot, dry, rough, mobile, subtle and clear quality in body. In short term period, it is very beneficial and adaptive but if this pattern goes on unchecked for any length of time it will inevitably wear us down.

So how do we stop the cycle obviously if there are way we can reduce the number of stressors we encounter each day, doing so is a essential starting place. But there will always be stressors that we can’t control and encouraging our nervous system to respond to these situations in a healthier way is the key to reclaiming our health.


if like increase like, opposite balance and stress response in unequivocally reducing lightening and catabolic in nature, then the antidote to excess stress is to offer our systems an abundance of the entire group of building nourishing qualities through our diet, our lifestyle, our practices, our relationship, basically anywhere that we can get them. This means welcoming influences that are heavy, grounding slow, nourishing, soft and stabilizing, while doing our best to minimize the influence of their opposites. At the core the Ayurvedic approach to balancing excess stress is really that simple.

  1. SLOW DOWN: One of the most important first step in balancing stress is to slow down. However, when we’re accustomed to living a fast-paced busy life. The rewards are often felt quite immediately. Then with time positive changes reinforce our intentions and can encourage us to slow down a bit more, and then a bit more and later even more. But how to begin with? That is really a crux of the entire endeavor. One of the best way to slow the pace of our lives is through devoted and purposeful self-care, taking time every single day to be still quiet and immersed in self nourishment. It is so important in fact that it is the next step in returning to balance.
  1. INDULGE IN QUALITY SELF CARE: Purposeful and committed self-care can be a beautiful part of the healing process and meaningful opportunity to practice self-love. There is countless way to nurture and care ourselves but it is important that you follow your intuition, you know you best.
  1. TAKE BATH: Bath relaxes the nervous system, releases tension and helps to quiet mind, you can add ginger powder and baking soda to the water to increase relaxation and healing. This combination encourage circulation,sweating and detoxification. If your pitta is high be mindful that ginger and baking soda can raise internal heat and you may not want to stay in the bath as long you. Use hot water for Kapha and Vata, ukewarm water for pitta.
  1. PRACTICING OIL PULLING: Gargling with warm sesame oil or coconut oil helps to remove tension from the Jaw improves the sense of taste and removes natural toxins from mouth teeth and gums.
  1. DO ABHYANGA (MASSAGE): The ancient practice of self-massage with oil calms the nervous system lubricates and Rejuvenates the tissues and promotes healthy circulation throughout the body. Abhyanga is a profound practice of rejuvenation and loving self-care that benefits both the physical body and nervous system. Each morning before shower or bath massage with warm organic oil.
  1. PRACTICE NASYA AND MASSAGE OF FEET: Few drops of oil in Nose as Badam Rogan (Almond Oil), Sesame oil, Anu Tail, protects head, Nasopharynx from stress and buffer the nervous system. Apply some worm oil to your feet this practice grounds the energy soothes the nervous system, reduced stress quiets the mind and promote sound sleep. Remember that sleep is one of the body’s most essential avenues of rejuvenation.
  1. SUPPORTIVE HERBS AND FORMULATION: Ayurveda also have a lot of herbs which have ability to improve both mind and body of individuals and can help to encourage a sense of ease in the face of our daily challenges. Few of them are below.
  2. ASHWAGANDHA: is famous for its ability to support the body in coping with stress while calming the mind. As a highly regarded adaptogen ashwagandha encourages quality energy throughout the day and sound sleep at night.
  3. BRAHMI: is incredibly sattvic in nature and it has ability to balance the nervous system and mind, it is a cooling relaxing tonic for pitta and it helps to calm vata in the mind.
  1. MEDITATION: Imagine and visualize the positive things meditation helps us to develops this capacity through the cultivation of passive awareness and can inform a far healthier response to the stressful situations. Over the time a daily meditation practice can truly re pattern the brain helping to re-wire our response to challenging circumstances.
  1. YOGA : Yoga moves PRANA in the body, helps to dissipate tension, clears stagnation and encourages fluidity, both in the tissues and as well as in the mental and emotional spheres, Ayurveda offers a great approach to yoga that specifically helps to balance whichever DHOSAS need more attention in your system.
  1. PRANAYAM (Yogic Breathing Exercise): Prana the vital breath, is the subtle essence of the life force that animates each of us, it infuses Every cell and tissue throughout our bodies and is carried on and breath stimulate it. Imbibing PRANA helps to restore fluidity and vitality To Subtle energy channels of the body while digesting and eliminating stagnation and AMA (toxins) one of the best ways to bath our tissues in fresh PRANA is to practice pranayama (Yogic Breathing Exercise). The practice of Nadi Sodhan (Anulom-Vilom) and Bhramari is especially effective at clearing accumulated tension, relieving stress and supporting an improved mental health.
  1. EAT A SUPPORTIVE DIET: It is probably best to focus on emphasizing healthy, whole food and minimizing processed food, stimulants and refined sugars while we often reach when time is short and our bodies are carving nourishment. If you don’t have enough time to cook your own meals- soups stews root vegetable, and other simple grounding foods are usually good choices or choose whole food or fruit etc.
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