Erectile dysfunction is the condition when a man is unable to keep an erection firm for a longer period of time. Erectile dysfunction may cause mental stress, relationship problem & can affect the self-confidence.

Ayurveda is an age-old Healthcare system of India. and all the Ayurvedic practitioner claims that lot of herbal medicines work in promoting male sexual health.

Many men do not want to talk about their problem will anyone but it is important to go for an evaluation to get the right treatment. When a person feel difficulty in keeping an erection firm, it is a medical problem and should be treated immediately it is important to treat the main cause of the problem to get rid of erectile dysfunction.

Causes of Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction may be caused by physical or psychological reason.

some of the common physical causes are:

  • People suffering from heart diseases such and atherosclerosis my experience style dysfunction due to reduced supply of blood to the organ.
  • High blood pressure and high cholesterol may also produce rectal dysfunction in men.
  • Other systemic diseases such as a bay city and diabetes are also responsible for producing sexual problem in men.
  • And hormonal imbalance is one of the major cause of erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Abuse of alcohol and cigarettes smoking are two main causes of sexual problem in men who undergo surgery such as for prostate enlargement or any other surgery can produce a ERECTILE dysfunction and other sexual dysfunctions.
  • Certain prescription remedies also produce side effect on the functioning of sexual organs there for people who take too many prescriptions remedy may suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Psychological causes.

  • Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction due to psychological reasons some of the important psychological causes of sexual problems in men are:
  • depression stress anxiety and other mental health problems can cause erectile dysfunction in men many men suffer from relationship problems with their partners that may also lead to this condition increased fear in mind can produce erectile dysfunction.

Home remedies for male sexual disorders

Home remedies are very useful for treatment of male sexual disorders home remedies are safe and may be taken regularly to boost up my immunity and to get rid of this problem some useful home remedies are:

  • Eat ripe bananas every day. Bananas help to boost up the immune system and also provide nutrition to the sexual organs in men.
  • Mix half glass of apple juice and half glass of orange juice and drink it daily. It provides nutrients to the body and boost up the immune system.
  • Ginseng is a wonderful home remedy for boosting up immune system. It is a natural herb that increases the stamina and helps to remove general weakness. Men suffering from any sexual problem should drink ginseng tea every day to get rid of their sexual weakness.
  • Take some dandelion roots and soak them in water overnight. Drink this water every day in the morning to enhance the production of testosterone.
  • Garlic is a natural remedy and it consists of many anti-oxidants. It is a wonderful natural remedy for men suffering from sexual weakness. It enhances the time of erection and is a good home remedy for erectile dysfunction.
  • Add black currants in a glass of hot milk and drink it daily before going to sleep at night. This is a natural remedy that boosts up the immune system.
  • Take a glass of hot milk and add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of powdered walnut. Drink this in the evening daily to boost up the strength of sexual organs.
  • Add one or two table spoon of grated carrot in a glass of hot milk and drink it daily to boost up the Sexual strength. It is wonderful remedy to boost up the immune system.
  • Soak one or two teaspoons of flaxseeds in a glass of water and keep it overnight. Drink this water every day in the morning. This enhances the flow of blood to all parts of the body.
  • Dry ladyfinger and grind it to make powder, eat one teaspoon of dried lady finger powder water or milk to get rid of sexual weakness,

Tips for preventing sexual weakness

Men suffering» from sexual weakness of male sexual disorders may take some general precautions to prevent sexual disease. Some useful tips for preventing sexual disorders are given below:

  • Drink more water to remove the waste material from your body. water is a natural cleanser and keeps your body healthy.
  • Increase the intake of fruits and green leafy vegetables to boost up your immune system.
  • Do not eat preserved or canned foods as it may affect the immune system of your body,
  • Men should avoid drinking alcohol land any other substance abuse to boost up the immune system
  • Ayurveda is an age-old Healthcare system of India and all the Ayurvedic practitioner claims that a lot of herbal medicines work in promoting male sexual health.
  • Decrease in sexual performance in men is related to lack of micronutrients stress anxiety Sears phobia busy hectic schedule so it is very important to refuel your body with full nutrition.
  • Ayurveda used to work “Rasayan” & Baji karna regeneration and improving sexual health according to Ayurveda erectile dysfunction is caused by too much involvement of sexual activity, diabetes, general weakness, stress and lack of Nutrition.
  • It is better to use house and nude natural supplements has a Veda says that lack of Nutrition is the root cause of sexual weakness once you replenish your body with all intuition you feel good response in all kind of weakness (sexual mental and physical.

Ayurveda is an age-old Healthcare system of India, and all the Ayurvedic practitioner claims that a lot of herbal medicines work in promoting male sexual health.

Decrease in sexual performance in men is related to lack of micro-nutrients, stress, anxiety, Fears, phobia, busy hectic schedule. so it is very important to refuel your body with full nutrition.

Ayurveda used to work “Rasayan” & Baji karna regeneration and improving sexual health according to Ayurveda erectile dysfunction is caused by too much involvement of sexual activity diabetes general weakness stress and lack of Nutrition.

It is better to use  natural supplements,  Ayurveda says that lack of Nutrition is the root cause of sexual weakness once you replenish your body with all intuition you feel good response in all kind of weakness (sexual mental and physical.

According to Ayurveda Shukra Dhatu (“Semen” ) is the essence of all 7 Dhatu. it depends upon health of all tissues if appetite is good if digestion is good if blood formation is good if sleep is normal then also sexual weakness is do not come proper diet sleep and supplementation with Herbs and vitamins minerals is recommended for optimal male sexual health.


Ashwagandha Churna     :     50 Gms.

Shatavari                            :     50 Gms.

White Musli Churna        :     25 Gms.

Kaunch Beej                      :     25 Gms.

Jaayphal                             :    10 Gms.

Gokhru Churna                 :   25 Gms.

Vang Bhasm                      :    10 Gms.

Makardhwaj Ras              :    02 Gms.

Swarn Mukshit                 :     05 Gms.

Mix all these ingredients in above ratio and take 1 Spoon daily twice in a day with sweeten milk. If the problem in chronic then- Basant Kusumakar Ras, Swarn Bhasm, Heerak Bhasm could be added in above formula.

If you wish to order the above mentioned ingredients, email us @ we will reply you with further details.

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